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Communications Intern

Vacancy #:   6752
Unit:   Communication Programme
Organisation:   International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Location:   Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain
Reporting to:   Communication Officer
Work percentage:   100%
Grade:   I
Expected start date:   01 April 2024
Type of contract:   -
Closing date:   05 June 2024 (extended)
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was founded in 1948 and brings together over 1,2400 members (States, government agencies, NGOs and affiliates) and some more than 15,000 scientists and experts from over 160 countries in a unique worldwide partnership. Its mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. IUCN has approximately 1,000 staff, most of whom are located in its regional and country offices, and at its Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. IUCN is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from qualified women and men.

The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN Med) was established in 20021 in Málaga, Spain, bridging gaps between science, policy, management and action in order to conserve nature and accelerate the transition towards sustainable development in the Mediterranean. IUCN Med is responsible for implementing the North Africa and Mediterranean Programmes of IUCN, which aim to address biodiversity loss and climate change impacts. It is structured in six strategic lines, among which the Ecosystem Resilience and Spatial Planning strategic line (ER&SP). IUCN Med operates in a matrix structure,; therefore the strategic line interacts with other teams within IUCN Med and across other teams in HQ and within EUCANA hub (Europe, Central Asia and North Africa Hub).
This position will manage specific communication activities for the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med) in addition to providing administrative and technical implementation support to projects.

In particular, this position will support the IUCN-Med communication team with developing, disseminating, and monitoring performance of content, especially for social media and the corporate website. They will assist also on communication support for projects implemented by the different departments of IUCN-Med, namely, with content creation for social media.

The Position may provide support to other Communications needs for the IUCN-Med office.

The Communications intern will help IUCN-Med supporting institutional and projects’ communication activities including social media content creation for initiatives like the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands, NBSoil, Natae, Blue4All, among other projects.

The person will:

- Assist IUCN-Med’s presence on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) with the development and dissemination of a weekly content program based on corporate and project activities, as well as monthly monitoring of results.
- Support specific campaigns on social media to increase the number of followers and outreach, using infographics, micro-videos, or animated gifs, including identifying and following key influencers.
- Assist the update process of the IUCN/Mediterranean website, reviewing, translating and uploading new content in coordination with all departments of IUCN-Med.
- Support elaboration of social media and web content, such as articles and press releases, of IUCN-Med projects.
- Monitor and moderate comments on social media posts, intervening as appropriate to answer questions and guide the conversation.
- Assisting with day to day administration tasks.
- Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
  • Advanced Degree in Communications, Journalism, Marketing, Translation, or similar field; The candidate should be enrolled in an education institution in order to sign an internship agreement.

• Background and/or experience working in communication, or any other related field will be an asset;

• Experience using advanced tools for online publishing, including content management systems (such as wordpress), social media analytics and social media authoring tools like SocialFlow, Hootsuite, TweetDeck, etc;

• Fluency in written and spoken English and Spanish. French will be an asset;

• Strong motivation and interpersonal skills; excellent communication;

• Graphic design skills

• Valid work permit within EU.
The minimum gross annual salary for this position is EUR 7'200. While this is an indicative amount effective as of the current date, changes may occur as per IUCN's compensation practices without prior notice. The same applies to other organisations hosted by IUCN.

Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: https://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and around 16,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.
