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Project Officer - African Lion Trade

Vacancy #:   3946
Unit:   TRAFFIC Southern Africa
Organisation:   TRAFFIC International (TRAFFIC)
Location:   TRAFFIC - Southern Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Reporting to:   Programme Office Director for Southern Africa
Work percentage:   100%
Grade:   P1
Expected start date:   01 July 2019
Type of contract:   Fixed-term (12 months with possibility of renewal)
Closing date:   31 January 2019 (extended)

The Project Officer will:

1. Lead implementation of activities under the LRF-funded project, “Trade study for live lions, parts and derivatives in Mozambique and Tanzania”, in particular:

• Following a process of consultation with partners and government agencies, finalise and implement the research methodology and work plan for both countries;
• Compile and maintain a comprehensive database of lion, parts and derivatives seizures,
• Lead on all aspects of data entry, analysis, reporting and publication;
• Lead on all aspects of preparing and releasing the research report with partners for the purposes of informing national decision-makers and authorities and informing a discussion at the CITES Animals Committee;
• Lead on corroborating anecdotal information through original field-based data to ensure TRAFFIC’s findings are accurate and objective;
• Coordinate all activities that feed into partner activities, such as sample collection for DNA or isotope work, in consultation with those partners.
2. Conduct the necessary desk and field-based work that will include literature reviews, interviews, data gathering, market surveys and analysis in Tanzania and Mozambique,
• Literature survey: Conduct an extensive literature review of scientific and grey literature containing reference to any historical and current issues relevant to lion, but particularly on trade in lion bone, other body-parts and population dynamics;
• Data collection and analysis: data will be collected from a variety of sources including government and industry available via the internet or in-country and using methods such as interviews, focus group discussions, market and consumer surveys, investigations; tissue sampling and data digitizing and used to assess the theoretical scale of trade and ultimately the potential stock of lion skeletons and other body-parts in each country;
• Interviews: Design and implement an interview programme to gather new information and to corroborate trade data and anecdotal information;
• A comprehensive database of seizure incidents involving lions since 2000 will be compiled from published and unpublished literature, government and inter-governmental agencies and online media sites. Information will be crosschecked and traced back to an original primary source where possible;
• All seizure data will be geo-referenced where possible and brought into a geographic information system (GIS) for visualization and further analysis;
3. Prepare research training materials, tools and train research assistants/interns on conducting research and data analysis;
4. Analysis and Report writing. The PO will to the extent possible determine the net impact of trade on wild populations of Panthera leo in the two countries and publish the results and recommendations for use by conservation authorities and other interested parties.
5. Assist in establishing and maintaining relationships with an ‘international community’ of stakeholders and collaborators including both private and public sectors;
6. Support project management processes, including maintaining appropriate records and preparing financial and technical reporting information as required;
7. Liaise with other offices of the TRAFFIC Network, other large cat researchers, relevant inter-governmental organisations, and wildlife authorities in the region to foster understanding and support for TRAFFIC’s programme objectives in a positive manner;
8. Represent TRAFFIC at national, regional and international meetings, and other events as required;
9. Communicate the results of TRAFFIC works such as through articles in the TRAFFIC Bulletin and reports; and,
10. Support other tasks as agreed with the Programme Manager.
  • Master’s Degree in ecology/biology/wildlife management;
• A minimum of five (5) years practical field experience in East and Southern Africa with an international non-governmental organization (NGO) or an inter-governmental organization (IGO);
• Strong research and analytical skills especially market and consumer surveys;
• Skilled in both quantitative and qualitative data analysis and have strong abilities to articulate complex issues clearly;
• Excellent interpersonal skills with proven experience in managing consultants and working with officials from wildlife agencies, partner organisations and communities;
• Strong presentation and communication skills with excellent fluency in spoken and written English and preferably also the official languages in Mozambique (Portuguese) and Tanzania (Swahili);
• Strong working knowledge of political and policy making processes within East and Southern Africa;
• Willingness to travel frequently and for long periods.
• Strong working knowledge of Geographic Information Systems
• Computer literacy, including ability to use Microsoft office and common analytical packages
• Driving license

Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: https://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

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