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Stakeholder Engagement Officer – Nature-based Solutions

Vacancy #:   5409
Unit:   Global Ecosystem Management Programme (GEMP), HQ
Organisation:   International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Location:   Headquarters, Gland, Switzerland
Reporting to:   Director - Global Ecosystem Management Programme
Work percentage:   100%
Grade:   P1
Expected start date:   01 March 2021
Type of contract:   Fixed-term (10 months)
Closing date:   17 August 2020
In 2020, IUCN launched a landmark global standard for Nature based Solutions to Societal Challenges. This launch has catalyzed significant interest from a wide range of stakeholders to collaborate with IUCN in piloting the standard within different sectors and for various societal challenges. IUCN is in the process of further developing its data management, knowledge management and branding on NbS, in order to establish a worldwide community of NbS champions and users. For this purpose, IUCN is seeking a Stakeholder Engagement Officer.
Section A – Duties and Responsibilities

1. NbS standard application

• Design and implement a strategy for application of the NbS Standard ensuring the relevant and priority societal challenges, regions, ecosystems, approaches are covered and appropriate data and knowledge is captured
• Support stakeholders in early application of the standard through providing high quality technical guidance on applying the standard designed to address a broad range of societal challenges.
• Harness and consolidate pilot experiences and lessons for wider dissemination and learning, maintaining regular communications, feedback and engagement with partners, including IUCN members and public and privte partners, whereby setting up long term and efficienct data capture and analyses processes
• Ensure systems in place for appropriate public access to data from application of standard including data protection and compliance.

2. Knowledge dissemination, communication and branding

• Organise a series of technical webinars that discuss NbS relevant issues, maintaining a calendar of events for such webinars;
• Support the development and maintenance of the NbS website and database of Standard applications for IUCN;
• Provide regular communication on NbS development through websites, email communications, virtual sessions, social media and related outreach activities;
• Rollout NbS branding, ensuring its protection, tracking its use and controlling quality in associations;

3. Development and expansion of collaborative networks

• Design the strategy for and support the development of the first key national and regional hubs for NbS, collaborating with regional offices, members and NbS focal points;
• Coordinate the embedding of the IUCN Global Standard in relevant IUCN NbS Group projects such as NetworkNature, promoting IUCNs presence in regional networks;
• Assist with the set up of the components of the governance structure of the IUCN Global Standard including meetings such as those of the International Standard Committee and the Science and Knowledge Committee;
• Identify and follow up on resourcing opportunities for engaging in or establishing regional or global networks, including through providing support in proposal development.

4. Internal Coordination and capacity development

• Establish efficient ways for internal coordination amongst different IUCN programmes and offices, whereby regular updates on NbS are shared amongst technical staff in a systematic and timely manner;
• Assist with developing training material on NbS for training of trainers and targeted training packages for specific sectors;
• Support the delivery of (virtual or in-person) trainings, internally and externally
  • Section B – Competencies

1. Enthusiastic commitment and vision, characterized by:
• A commitment to nature conservation, ecosystem management approaches and sustainable development.
• Ability to leverage the latest virtual technologies to disseminate and amplify NbS knowledge and messages.

2. Integrity, maturity and trust, as characterized by:
• Unimpeachable integrity as evidenced by behavior, communication style and way of handling ambiguous or difficult situations.
• Clear commitment to embracing and contributing to a culture of high performance and accountability.
• Demonstrated commitment to working within teams diverse in gender, nationality and background to achieve business results.
• A well-developed sense of self-awareness with an ability to proactively manage one’s own strengths and weaknesses and understand how these influence the performance and motivation of other colleagues.

3. Professional competencies, characterized by:
• Experience in developing, designing or implementing NbS from conceptual design to application of the IUCN Standard; with relevant experience that demonstartes understanding of nature and development linkes.
• Demonstrable wiillingness to learn and grow professionally, including through responding to feedback.
• Ability and commitment to act in accordance with the core values of integrity, respect for diversity and professionalism as spelled out in IUCN’s Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics.
• Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills.

4. Commitment to accountable and high quality delivery
• A clear and unambiguous work ethic that understands the necessity of, and demonstrates willingness to adhere to, institutional procedures and standards.
• A clear sense of institutional propriety with respect to accountability and transparency at both the individual and team level.
• An enthusiasm for and commitment to understanding and contributing to tangible, equitable and durable change processes in the field of conservation and sustainable development.

5. Sound judgment and decision making, characterized by:
• Experience in identifying key issues in a complex situation, and consulting, gathering, and analyzing relevant information before proposing and implementing decisive actions or recommendations.
• Well-organized and logical in thought and action.
• Ability to anticipate, assess and account for political and reputational risk associated with contested or divergent technical issues.

• Section C – Requirements

• At least 3 to 5 years’ work experience at a professional level, preferably within an international organisation setting and with field experience;
• Demonstrable expriences in stakeholder outreach and networks
• Evidence of experience with virtual technologies and apps that can be used in creating and engaging virtual networks of collaborators and being able to function virtually.
• Prior experience with Nature based Solutions projects or policy highly desirable;
• Masters Degree or equivalent in Ecology, sustainable development or a relevant field;
• Fluency in English and at least one additional IUCN official language (French or Spanish); demonstrated ability for report writing and ability to communicate complicated technical issues to a wide range of audiences and cultures.
• Deep understanding of, and passion for, biodiversity conservation and the role of NbS in addressing global societal challenges.
• Willing and able to travel internationally on a regular basis and for extended periods.

Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: https://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and around 16,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.
