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Monday, 31 March 2025, from 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)

SSC Network Support Officer
The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), a science-based network of more than 10,000 volunteer experts from almost every country of the world, and the IUCN Secretariat’s Global Species Programme (GSP) work closely together sharing the same vision, strategic plan and programme of work. Most members are deployed in more than 140 Specialist Groups, Red List Authorities, Task Forces and Sub-Committees supported by the SSC Chair’s office staff and the GSP.
SSC’s major role is to provide information to IUCN on biodiversity conservation, the inherent value of species, their role in ecosystem health and functioning, the provision of ecosystem services, and their support to human livelihoods. This information is fed into The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which is produced, maintained and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme with all GSP staff supporting the IUCN Red List in some way or another. SSC members also provide scientific advice to conservation organisations, government agencies and other IUCN Members, and support the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements, such as the CBD, CITES and CMS. The SSC Network Support Officer position will take a prominent role in the support of Species Survival Commission for GSP.
This position involves providing technical support and contributing to the joint programmatic work of the Global Species & KBA Programme and the Species Survival Commission.
• Support the SSC network and help oversee IUCN Species Programme interactions with SSC Specialist Groups, Task Forces, Stand-alone RLAs and Conservation Committees;
• Facilitate regular communication with Specialist Group Chairs;
• Assist the SSC Chair’s office with re-appointment of Chairs at each new IUCN quadrennium (assisting the SSC Chair in the review process for the re-appointments and discussing issues regarding the management of Specialist Groups);
• Assist with queries from the SSC Network, acting as the “connector” to bring the right people together and seeking out solutions to help solve problems;
• Coordinate Specialist Groups, Task Forces, Stand-alone RLAs and Conservation Committees input into Species Programme work;
• Strengthen the joint work of the SSC and GSP by supporting coordinating the management of contracts and budgets of Specialist Groups, Task Forces, Stand-alone RLAs and Conservation Committees projects in association with the Global Programme Operation Unit (GPOU) and the Commission Support Unit;
• Assist in bringing knowledge, expertise and advice from the SSC Network to other component programmes of IUCN;
• Provide assistance with general requests to the Global Species Programme;
• Assist with the production of the Species Annual Report.
2. Supporting the IUCN’s Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) work – 40%
• Support the development of IUCN’s work to implement the KBA Programme through the development of projects to document and protect KBAs;
• Work in close association with GSP staff, SSC members, IUCN Regional offices, KBA Partner organisations and other IUCN to develop and support priority KBA projects;
• Work closely with the KBA Secretariat to support the implementation and further development of the IUCN’s KBA work through and with the KBA Partnership;
• Provide training in workshops and via other means on KBAs.
3. Programme development and fundraising- 20%
• Work in close collaboration with the SSC Network Coordinator to assist with the development of project / funding proposals for Specialist Group activities with relevant specialist groups;
• Support SSC work on Key Biodiversity Areas through the development of funding proposals for KBAs in association with SSC and IUCN Regional Offices;
• Fundraise for other GSP and SSC priorities outlined in the Species Strategic Plan;
• Manage project budgets and produce financial and technical reports in association with Global Programme Operation Unit.
4. Policy work and representational duties – 10%
• Support IUCN’s work on engagement with policy mechanisms, including the CBD to advance the implementation of the KBA Programme;
• Brief SGs on meetings, assist with interventions, coordinate SG input and expertise into the various policy mechanisms;
• Support of the Head of Delegation at policy meetings;
• Represent IUCN Global Species & KBA Programme at conferences and meetings;
• Participate in the IUCN delegation at major policy meetings as appropriate to ensure provision of SSC experts’ knowledge and advice;
• Present the work of the Global Species & KBA Programme and SSC at meetings as appropriate.
• An advanced degree (or research equivalent) in conservation biology or ecology and significant practical field experience preferably including outside of Europe and North America • 5 years of relevant work experience • Broad knowledge of biodiversity conservation issues • A good understanding of the practical aspects of biodiversity conservation actions and policy • Proven success in writing proposals and raising funds • Strong technical writing skills • An ability to work co-operatively with other staff, members of the SSC voluntary network and other organisations • A good command of English (and Spanish and/or French), both written and spoken • Personal commitment to species conservation and the objectives of IUCN SSC • A willingness to travel widely and frequently on IUCN business |
Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.
Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.
Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: https://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/
About IUCN
IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.
Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and around 16,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.
IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.
Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.