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Oficial Técnico ( Especialista en monitoreo y manejo de ecosistemas pesqueros)

Vacancy #:   5963
Unit:   ORMACC - Forest Governance and Economy Unit
Organisation:   International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Location:   Guatemala Country Office, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Reporting to:   Chief of Party
Work percentage:   100%
Grade:   P1
Expected start date:   02 May 2022
Type of contract:   Indefinite
Closing date:   06 May 2022
This Regional Project is under implementation through a Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) signed with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as prime and legal partner, GOAL International and other local sub-award partners, the Agency for the Development of the Muskitia (MOPAWI), Defenders of Nature Foundation (FDN), Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association (ARCAS), and the Salvadoran Ecological Unit (UNES).

The Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project’s purpose is to address threats and conserve biodiversity in targeted coastal marine areas and associated upland ecosystems throughout Central America, to decrease the degradation of forest and mangrove landscapes, to enhance climate-smart economic opportunities that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable using natural resources (“biocommerce” ), while increasing ecosystem and community resilience to climatic variability. The RCBP is implemented in three bordering side ecosystems of high biodiversity, the Karataska Lagoon, in Honduran Muskitia, and Motagua River Basin (Honduras-Guatemala) and Paz River Basin (El Salvador-Guatemala).
●Objective 1 Improved livelihoods through promotion of climate-smart biocommerce activities that reduce threats to biodiversity
●Objective 2 Increased sustainable land use practices that target key opportunities to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of land.
●Objective 3 Strengthened governance and regulatory framework for biodiversity conservation
●Objective 4 Increased education and scientific capacity for evidence-based biodiversity conservation
•The Fisheries Technician will assist the Project in the design and implementation of strategies to implement the fisheries ecosystem management approach in coastal marine border ecosystems in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
•Design, plan and implement the biological monitoring processes for the Regional Project, guaranteeing the design of the collection, optimal frequency, collection, and quality of data, as well as the analysis of information in accordance with the monitoring protocol established by the project.
•Provide technical assistance to the Small Grants Program coordination team in the technical,economic, and social aspects of the fishing projects that are implemented within this program.
•Provide data analysis relevant for the approval of fishing effort limits. The scientific data generated to support the fishing effort limits proposals for the fisheries in the Guatemalan Pacific and manjúa anchovies and shrimp fisheries in the Guatemalan Caribbean in coordination between the Project and Guatemalan fishing authorities.
•Accompany the Project management team in coordination with fishing authorities and technical teams for the approval of the fishing recovery zones (FRZ) through the generation of scientific data that supports the FRZ proposals in the different project sites in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
•Promote synergies with other projects by strengthening the generation of information that considers social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
•Design, execute, facilitate, and document sessions on the analysis and validation of results with the project team and relevant actors.
•Maintain and update databases with biological monitoring information.
•Attend meetings and events related to the subject with prior authorization from and in coordination with the Regional Project Coordination team.
•Train and provide technical assistance to those responsible for gathering field data and implementing the monitoring protocol and ensure quality of the information.
•Train and guide the project partners in all aspects related to the biological monitoring of fisheries, as well as on the fisheries management mechanisms that are promoted by the project.
•Implement and follow up with the environmental monitoring and mitigation plan designed for biological monitoring.
•Prepare and guarantee the final review of the biological monitoring reports or scientific articles and papers for the project, as well as any information requirements that arise from any party involved with the project.
•Work together with the Project communications specialist and the monitoring and evaluation specialist in linking the work in fisheries as a tool for knowledge management and the achievement of project results.
•Any other task or assignment required by the COP or the Regional Programme Coordinator of IUCN ORMACC
  • •Bachelor degree in biology, aquaculture; environmental engineering,

• •Minimum of 10 years’ experience in fisheries management in the north triangle; El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

• Availability to travel regionally and internationally, to Project sites in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador

• Experience in writing reports, monitoring data analysis and research

• Knowledge of the fisheries sectors at three sites of the projects

• Knowledge and proven experience working with artisanal and industrial fisheries.

• Proven experience in oceanographic data analysis

• Knowledge about species taxonomy and identification of the landing multifisheries species in the landing sites of the project.

• Proven experience working with Fisheries and Environment Authorities in Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador.

• Proven experience applying the biocommerce tool as a management strategy focus on fisheries.

• Experience in business plans and value chain in sustainable fisheries.

• Advance english level

• Planning, coordination, and time management skills.

• Proficient in using email, internet, and MS Office applications (MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, etc.) and special applications and programs related to population fisheries analysis: Fisat II, Power Bi, Surfer among other analytical tools.

• Diving experience and valid licence to perform diving

• Ability to handle complex situations in the field and provide solutions.

• Proven ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

• Excellent ability to work under pressure

• Demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, and to establish effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.

Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST). Please note that only selected applicants will be personally contacted for interviews.

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: https://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

About IUCN

IUCN is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Created in 1948, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, harnessing the knowledge, resources and reach of more than 1,400 Member organisations and around 16,000 experts. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its broad membership enables IUCN to fill the role of incubator and trusted repository of best practices, tools and international standards.

IUCN provides a neutral space in which diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, scientists, businesses, local communities, indigenous peoples organisations and others can work together to forge and implement solutions to environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

Working with many partners and supporters, IUCN implements a large and diverse portfolio of conservation projects worldwide. Combining the latest science with the traditional knowledge of local communities, these projects work to reverse habitat loss, restore ecosystems and improve people’s well-being.
